Hi, I'm David
Over 16 Years of aquarium care
There's No Place like Home
I remember as a child tagging along with my father when he went to service the customers aquariums (getting paid for my help) whilst he provided me with a running commentary of do’s and don’ts.
I have obviously inherited my father’s fascination for all things nature and this included my admiration for a well preserved aquarium that enhances the room as well as providing a hospitable living space for the fish. Eventually I carried on servicing my fathers established clientele as well as adding many more customers of my own through word of mouth and positive feedback.
I have come across many situations in the aquatic world but definitely not too much of a know-it-all to adapt new practices as new technology arises. I don’t claim to have all the answers and that would be an arrogant claim, however I am willing to listen, and have many years of experience in the field so I know that there are different ways of solving a problem.
I have a vivid childhood memory of standing in the garden and swishing the gravel around and around in a bucket attempting to clean it with the cold water running from a hose in order to make it ready for a new aquarium. My fingers were cold, yet I persevered as I was getting paid for it by my late father who had been commissioned to set up a new tank. I realise now of course that I was being paid a small percentage of what he was charging the customer, but that certainly didn’t bother me at the time. My father had started fishkeeping as a hobby and we had always had an aquarium or two in the house. Friends and family heard about my father’s aquarium and he took great pride in telling them all about his favourite fish and how effective the new pump was. My father had a clear passion and vast knowledge for fishkeeping and this infectious pride began to rub off onto others (and me) until people began asking him to set up and manage aquariums for their homes and businesses. This soon spread to managing aquariums in care homes and surgeries and a business in fishkeeping was formed.
I’m a cheerful chappie who enjoys spending time with my family and my hobbies which include cycling and getting out in the countryside when I can. I take pride in all aspects of the services supplied and strive to achieve a professional standard whilst maintaining an honest rapport with the client. My positive outlook makes it easier for me to connect with the customers and create a good vibe. I aim to go the extra mile and this has kept my many loyal customers satisfied and content with the service I provide.
Looking forward to hearing from you